Samty Co., Ltd. complies with laws and related regulations regarding the protection of personal information. We make all efforts to ensure the proper handling and secure management of personal information, in line with the following policies.


  1. We will comply with all laws and related regulations regarding the protection of personal information when handling, using, and providing personal information, and manage such information properly and with care.
  2. We will preserve the accuracy of personal information, and manage it securely.
  3. We will properly and promptly respond to requests from individuals for the disclosure, correction, cessation of use, deletion, or other action regarding their personal information.
  4. We will make all efforts to continually maintain security measures to prevent the loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information, as well as unauthorized access to personal information.
  5. We will establish internal structures for the protection of personal information, and make all efforts to ensure their effectiveness, and as necessary to revise them with continual improvements.


Established April 17, 2006

Company Information

Samty Co.,Ltd.
1-8-39 Nishimiyahara,
Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0004
Representative Director
and President:Yasuhiro Ogawa

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information through appropriate methods upon providing disclosure, specification, and notification to the individual regarding the purpose of use of such information. Use of personal information is limited to the scope of this purpose of use.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We use personal information for the following purposes.


1) To successfully execute the sales and purchase, lease, management, or brokerage of real estate, or other incidental business

2) To verify the identity of the other party in a transaction, etc. based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds

3) Sales activities (sending of mailings or email, telephone, visits, etc.), related to the above businesses, analysis of customer trends, or research analysis for product development or other activities

4) Other matters incidental to or related to the business of the company and of companies affiliated belonging to the Group

5) Providing to third parties, such as partner companies and affiliated firms, within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of (1) to (4) above


Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

In accordance with legal regulations, and within the scope necessary to achieve the above purpose of use, we may provide to third parties such as partner companies and affiliated firms, as follows.

1) Information provided may include name, address, telephone number (include mobile phone numbers), property information, age, date of birth, gender, email address, annual income, contract information, and other data within the scope necessary to achieve the above purpose of use.

2) Means of provision may include digital data, written materials such as mailing labels or survey forms, or lists.

3) We will, at the request of the individual, cease providing information to third parties such as partner companies and affiliated firms. However, if we cease using such information, users should be aware there may be services that we are no longer able to provide.

Examples of partner companies or affiliated firms

Joint venture companies, sales collaboration firms, juridical scriveners, land and building surveyors,

* Use information for registration procedures, such as registration of ownership rights, or setting of mortgage when financing is used

Financial and insurance firms

* Use information for asset screening and extension of loans when financing is used, application procedures for property or life insurance

Management companies

* Use information for building management and follow-up services

Construction companies

Use information for design changes and follow-up services

Others (such as moving companies, or interior goods companies)

Shared Use of Personal Information

We will share the use of personal information as follows.
(1) The items of personal information to be shared are name, address, telephone numbers (including mobile phone numbers), property information, age, date of birth, gender, email address, annual income, contract information, and other data in the scope necessary to achieve the abovementioned purposes of use.
(2) The scope of shared users covers “the Company and its parent company and the affiliates.”
(3) The purposes of use are the same as those in "Purposes of Use of Personal Information" above.
(4) Concerning the management of personal data, in the case of the name, address, representative, etc. of the company responsible, the company bears the responsibility with regard to the shared-use personal data.
(5) For inquiries regarding shared use, please contact the company’s Personal Information Consultation Desk below.

Regarding the Management of Personal Information

We will preserve the accuracy of personal information, and manage it securely.

Regarding the Disclosure, Correction, Cessation of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information

We recognize that individuals have the right to demand the disclosure, correction, cessation of use, deletion, or other action regarding their personal information, and will respond promptly to such demands.
However, if we cease using such information, users should be aware there may be services that we are no longer able to provide.

Safety Management Measures

We will take the necessary and pertinent safety management measures in the management of personal data, such as the prevention of data leakage, loss or damage.
We will also provide the necessary and pertinent supervision to employees and contractors (including subcontractors) who handle personal data. The main content of the security management measures for personal data are as follows.

Formulation of Personal Information Protection Guidelines

To ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have formulated Personal Information Protection Guidelines (these guidelines).

Maintaining of Rules Relating to Handling of Personal Data

We have established Personal Information Protection Regulations to ensure the proper handling of personal data.

Organizational Safety Management Measures

We have put in place systems to respond to cases such as information leaks and regularly review the handling status of personal data.

Personal Safety Management Measures

With regard to the handling of personal data, we provide employees and others with the necessary and pertinent education and supervision while setting out matters related to the confidentiality of personal data in our information management regulations.

Physical Safety Management Measures

Having clarified the areas where personal data is managed and handled, we are implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.
Having taken measures to prevent the theft or loss, etc. of devices that handle personal data, electronic media, documents, etc., we are also taking measures to prevent personal data from being easily revealed when carrying the device, electronic media, etc., including when moving around within an office.

Technical Safety Management Measures

Placing controls on access, we are limiting the extent of those in charge and of the personal information databases handle.
We are also installing systems to safeguard personal data from external hacking and malware.

The Company’s Personal Information Desk

Opinions or questions regarding Samty's handling of personal information should be directed to the company’s Personal Information Consultation Desk (Legal Department, Tel: 06-6838-3616).

Regarding the Basic Policy for Information Security

Basic Policy for Information Security

Samty's corporate philosophy is that “Life is the realization of dreams.” As a company that helps customers to realize their dreams through real estate, this is also a place where we who work here realize our dreams. The information that is central to our corporate activity is a major element for making dreams come true. We will surpass all others to quickly and accurately collect and utilize beneficial information. The personal information that customers entrust with use to provide them with new information and follow-up services is also important.

As society become increasingly sophisticated and complex, the necessary and varied information they use for the conduct of business is under threat. Samty considers this important information as an asset. We have formulated a Basic Policy for Information Security, promoted awareness of the policy among employees and managers, and established an information management system to properly protect all of the information assets handled by the company.


We consider this to be an important management policy to further enhance the sense of security among our customers and business partners, to maintain the trust of society by properly protecting information assets, and to promote business growth.


  1. Information security is a vital management and business issue for the company, and we will make a concerted effort as a company in this regard.
  2. The collection, use, and provision of information assets in the course of business will be conducted properly in light of legal and regulatory requirements, contractual security obligations, and related internal rules.
  3. We will take appropriate measures to prevent and/or rectify the unauthorized access of information assets, as well as the theft, loss, leakage, falsification, or destruction of information assets.
  4. We will ensure that all employees, including directors, are aware of the importance of information security, familiarize them with the proper use of information assets, and conduct education and training in information security to ensure proper handling.
  5. We will make all efforts to prevent an information security breach, and should such a breach occur, will promptly take all appropriate action, including measures to prevent a reoccurrence.
  6. We will establish and implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS) to provide for information security.


Established April 17, 2006