The Real Estate Leasing Business generates stable income by holding properties developed by the company itself or acquired from outside sources.
We have a solid revenue base from investments distributed among more than 150 prime properties, primarily rental apartments, which are less susceptible to economic fluctuations, as well as office buildings and commercial facilities.
Areas include the Kansai and Tokyo metropolitan areas, as well as Sapporo, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and other major cities throughout Japan. As the core of our income gains business, we intend to continue to develop and hold these assets in order to expand stable earnings.

Dividend income from investment in funds of holding and management of rental residential properties, etc. is allocated to this business segment.
Among these, with the same-boat investment in Samty Residential Investment Corporation, the Company aims for continuous mutual growth by fulfilling its role of providing properties, etc. as main sponsor, and harmonizing each side’s strategies and interests when managing the rental condominiums.